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李自强1, 李晓云2, 王金霞
1.华中农业大学经济管理学院;2.华中农业大学 经济管理学院
关键词:  粮食生产  比较优势  农业用水压力  农业用水效率  水资源承载力
Research on the Spatial Mismatch of Food Production and Water Resources from the Perspective of Comparative Advantage Theory
Based on the theory of comparative advantage, this research reveals the underlying reasons of the mismatch of the spatial distribution of food production and water resources. Our research constructs a water resources carrying capacity measurement index system and uses the entropy TOPSIS for comprehensive evaluation. By comparing the difference between the planting area of grain and the carrying capacity of water resources in various regions, we analyze the mismatch of the spatial distribution of grain production and water resources. And then this research explores the logical source of the mismatch of the spatial distribution of grain production and water resources, and uses panel data regression to empirically test the relation between resource comparative advantage and agricultural water pressure. The result shows that:(1) There is apparent mismatch of the spatial distribution of grain production and water resources in mainland China from 2003 to 2018.The mismatch is the most serious in Northeast, Huanghuaihai, South China and Northwest. The difference between the standardized index of water resources carrying capacity and the standardized index of grain sown area is -0.815, -0.552, 0.590 and 0.471 respectively. (2)The regression results of the benchmark model shows that the positive effects of land advantages, labor advantages, and capital advantages on regional agricultural water pressure exceed the negative effects of water resources advantages on regional agricultural water pressure. It makes the comprehensive comparative advantage of food production increase the pressure on regional agricultural water. The mismatch of the spatial distribution of food production and water resources is precisely the cumulative effects of resource comparative advantage. Simultaneously, We also found that the comparative advantage of food production needs a certain period of transmission to significantly increase the pressure on regional agricultural water, which has a certain time lag effect.(3) This study also found that agricultural water efficiency plays an important moderating role in the influence of the comparative advantage of food production on agricultural water pressure, which shows that agricultural water efficiency can alleviate the mismatch of spatial distribution of food production and water resources, and the mitigation effect is better in the water shortage region. Therefore, optimizing the spatial matching degree of grain production and water resources, increasing the weight of water resources in the grain production layout, and further improving the efficiency of grain production and water use are conducive to ensuring food security and sustainable use of water resources.
Key words:  Food production  Comparative Advantage  Agricultural water pressure  Agricultural water efficiency  Water resources carrying capacity