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王浩, 于港华, 侯颖, 侯思宇, 韩渊怀, 李红英, Guofang
关键词:  近红外光谱分析技术  定量模型  快速检测  小米总硒含量
Quantitative and rapid determination of selenium content in millet using Near Infrared Spectroscopy
wanghao, yuganghua, houying, sousiyu, hanyuanhuai, lihongying, Guofang
Shanxi Agricultural University
Foxtail millet is one of the minor crops in Shanxi, and it has good selenium-enrichment capacity under natural conditions. The content of selenium in grains is an important indicator to evaluate the selenium-enrichment ability of foxtail millet. A new method based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) was proposed to identify the selenium content of the seeds, in order to provide technical support for foxtail millet quality improvement breeding. In this experiment, 73 naked millet samples were used as the research object. The total selenium contents were measured by the national standard method. The MPA Fourier Transform Near-infrared Spectrometer from the German Bruker Spectrometer Company was used to collect the spectral information. The 73 samples were divided into calibration modeling set and validation set, of which 51 were calibration set and 22 were validation set. The total amount of millet seed was established through variable standardization SNV and Detrend spectral preprocessing method, and PLSR (Partial Least Squares) modeling method, quantitative model of selenium content, and Workflow was used to establish the model to detect the total selenium content of millet powder rapidly. The results showed that the model established by PLSR has high prediction accuracy. The internal cross-validation correlation coefficient of the total selenium content of millet powder is high to 84.5%; RMSEC and RMSEP (root mean square error) are both low, indicating that the near-infrared predicted value of the total selenium content of millet powder is close to the chemical measurement value. In this study, the RPD is 5.478 (The detection limit), which meets the acceptable quality proposed by international analysis organizations such as AACC and ICC Control, SEP/SEC reflects the robustness of the model, and SEP/SEC≤1.2. In this experiment, SEP/SEC is 1.0730, which is less than 1.2, so the established model has a good degree of robustness. So, the rapid detection of the total selenium content of millet we established in this experimentwas necessary, feasible and effectivein selenium content measurement.for foxtail millet.
Key words:  Near- infrared Spectroscopy Analysis Technology  quantitative model  rapid detection  total selenium content of millet