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南京财经大学 粮食安全与战略研究中心, 南京 210003
关键词:  国有农场  化肥投入效率  时空分异
Time and space differences in fertilizer input efficiency of state-owned farms in China
CAI Rong,TAO Sumin,WANG Ziyu
Center for Food Security and Strategic Studies, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210003, China
Using the stochastic fontier input distance function and based on the provincial statistical data from 1994 to 2017, the paper analyzed the fertilizer input efficiency and its spatial and temporal distribution of state-owned farms in reclamation areas. The results showed that: 1)The average fertilizer input efficiency of state-owned farms was 0. 485, indicating there was serious inefficient use of fertilizer and fertilizer reduction potential was huge; 2)In the time dimension, the fertilizer input efficiency of state-owned farms showed an overall trend of decreasing. In the spatial dimension, the fertilizer input efficiency of state-owned farms showed an unbalanced pattern of east < central < west and the pattern of south < north; 3)The input intensity of fertilizer in state-owned farms was much higher than that of other producers and operators, and there was a strong negative correlation between the input intensity of fertilizer and the input efficiency.
Key words:  state-owned farms  fertilizer input efficiency  time and space distribution