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中国农业大学 经济管理学院, 北京 100083
为研究在长期促销和聚集促销背景下,促销对消费者品牌农产品购买决策的影响,采用现实中“消费者采购鸡蛋”情景获取的1 260个消费者行为数据,利用Double-Hurdle模型进行实证分析。结果表明:价格促销能提高消费者品牌农产品的购买意愿,但由于农产品易腐等特性使得价格促销对消费者品牌农产品购买数量的影响不显著;消费者的品牌忠诚会削弱价格促销对其品牌农产品购买决策的影响。因此,品牌农产品生产企业可以适当借助促销手段提高消费者对品牌的认知和认可,但仍需通过提高产品质量等途径来增加消费者对品牌农产品的购买。
关键词:  价格促销  品牌农产品  双栏模型  品牌忠诚  情景实验
Influence of price promotion on consumers' purchase decision of brand agricultural products: An empirical study based on Double-Hurdle model
WANG Yunjuan,MA Ji
College of Economics & Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
In order to study the influence of promotion on the purchase decision of consumer for brand agricultural products under the background of long-term promotion and aggregation promotion, 1 260 consumers behavior data obtained from the real situation of “consumers purchase eggs” were used. An empirical analysis using Double-Hurdle model was conducted. The results showed that price promotion improved consumers' willingness to buy brand agricultural products. However, due to the perishable characteristics of agricultural products, the effect of price promotion on the purchase quantity was not significant. The brand loyalty of consumers weakened the influence of price promotion. In conclusion, brand agricultural production enterprises could improve consumers' cognition and recognition of brand by means of promotion, but it is more important to increase consumers' purchase through improving product quality.
Key words:  price promotion  brand agricultural products  Double-Hurdle model  brand loyalty  situational experiments