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西北农林科技大学 园艺学院/农业农村部西北设施园艺工程重点实验室, 陕西 杨凌 712100
为探究不同栽培深度基质和基质袋摆放对春季袋培番茄产量、品质、养分吸收和基质养分利用率的影响,以‘巴宝丽’番茄为试材,设置不同基质深度(7.5、10.5和13.5 cm)及基质袋不同摆放方式(地面摆放和地面下沉20 cm),共6个处理,测定了番茄的生长发育、产量、品质和养分吸收等指标。结果表明:栽培基质深度对产量、果实品质均有显著影响;基质袋摆放方式对产量影响不显著,但显著影响果实可溶性蛋白、番茄红素、硝酸盐和有机酸含量;基质深度和基质袋摆放方式对果实硝酸盐含量的影响有显著的交互作用。随着栽培基质深度的增加,产量显著提高,品质明显改善;基质深度13.5 cm时,番茄单株产量最高,达3.83 kg/株。基质袋摆放方式和基质深度对番茄开花期、初果期及盛果期P和K的累积吸收影响显著,基质深度对番茄开花期、初果期和盛果期N的吸收也有显著影响,基质深度和基质袋摆放方式对开花期和初果期番茄植株N、P和K的累积吸收存在显著的交互作用。基质内N、P和K养分利用率均是基质深度为13.5 cm的处理最高,且不同基质袋摆放方式对基质养分利用率无显著影响。综上,为实现省工省力且高产优质载培,在实际生产中推荐将春季栽培番茄的基质深度设置为13.5 cm(即基质供应量为9 L/株)且地面摆放。
关键词:  番茄  袋培  基质深度  基质袋摆放方式  果实产量品质  养分吸收
Effects of substrate depth and substrate bag arrangement on yield, quality and nutrient absorption of bag cultured tomato in spring
ZHANG Jiao,QU Feng,YANG Jiajia,HU Xiaohui
Key Laboratory of Protected Horticultural Engineering in Northwest of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/College of Horticulture, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China
In order to investigate the effects of different culture substrate depths and substrate bag arrangements on the yield, quality, nutrient absorption and substrate nutrient utilization of tomato. Tomato variety ‘Burberry' was used as the material, and the substrate depths were set to 7. 5, 10. 5 and 13. 5 cm, respectively. The tomato seedlings were cultivated on the surface of ground and in ground subsidence depth of 20 cm. There were six treatments designed. The growth, yield, quality and nutrient absorption of tomato were determined. The results showed that substrate depth had significant effects on tomato yield and fruit quality; The effect of substrate bag arrangement on tomato yield was not significant, but the contents of soluble protein, lycopene, nitrate and organic acid in fruit were significantly affected. There was significant interaction between the substrate depth and the substrate bag arrangement on tomato nitrate content. With the increase of substrate depth, tomato yield and quality were significantly improved. When the substrate depth was 13. 5 cm, the yields of the tomato were the highest(3. 83 kg/plant). The substrate bag's arrangement and substrate depth had significant effects on the accumulation of P and K in flowering stage, initial fruit stage and full fruit stage of tomato. The depth of the substrate had a significant effect on the absorption of N in flowering stage, initial fruit stage and full fruit stage of tomato. There was significant interaction between substrate bags arrangement and substrate depth on the cumulative uptake of N, P and K in tomato plants at flowering stage and initial fruit stage. The N, P, K nutrient utilization efficiency of the substrate was the highest in the 13. 5 cm substrate depth, and there was no significant difference in the nutrient utilization efficiency of the substrate under different substrate bags arrangement. Therefore, to achieve labor-saving cultivation with high yield and high quality, it is recommended that the substrate depth of tomato should be set to 13. 5 cm(substrate supply is 9 L/plant)and ground placement should be carried out in actual production in spring.
Key words:  tomato  bag culture  substrate depth  substrate bag arrangement  fruit yield and quality  nutrient uptake