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曹欣然1,2, 朱小琼1, 国立耘1
1.中国农业大学 植物保护学院, 北京 100193;2.烟台市农业技术推广中心, 山东 烟台 264001
为研究北京地区水系中腐霉和疫腐霉种类分布,采用叶饵法从北京水系中诱集菌株,共分离到腐霉、疫腐霉182株,利用Single-strand conformation polymorphism(SSCP)进行分析,筛选出不同基因型的代表菌株,并依据形态学特征及ITS序列对这些菌株进行种类鉴定。结果共发现6个已知种和3个可能的新种,其中:湖滨疫腐霉Phytopythium litorale和果胶裂解腐霉Pythium pectinolyticum为国内新记录种;旋柄疫腐霉Pp.helicoides、异丝腐霉P.diclinum、簇囊腐霉P.torulosum和袋囊腐霉P.marsipium为北京地区新记录种。研究结果可为未来监测北京地区水系中病原菌的分布情况提供基础数据。
关键词:  腐霉  疫腐霉  种类鉴定  北京水系  单链构象多态性
Pythium and Phytopythium species isolated from Beijing water system
CAO Xinran1,2, ZHU Xiaoqiong1, GUO Liyun1
1.College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Yantai Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Yantai 264001, China
To investigate the species composition of Pythium and Phytopythium in Beijing water system,strains of Pythium and Phytopythium were collected from the Beijing river system by leaf baiting method.A total of 182 strains were isolated and analyzed by Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP).Representative strains of different genotypes were then selected and identified base on their morphological characteristics and ITS sequences.The resulted showed that six known species and three suspected new species were identified.Among them,Phytopythium litotale and Pythium pectinolyticum were new records in China,while Pp.helicoides,P.diclinum,P.torulosum and P.marsipium were new records in Beijing.This study provided basic data for the future monitoring of the plant pathogen in Beijing water system.
Key words:  Pythium  Phytopythium  species identification  water system  Single-strand conformation polymorphism