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黄玛兰, 李晓云, 曾琳琳, 刘念
华中农业大学 经济管理学院, 武汉 430070
关键词:  农村劳动力价格  工业化  劳动力转移  中介效应模型
Impact of industrialization on rural labor price: Based on the test of the mediating effect of labor migration
HUANG Malan, LI Xiaoyun, ZENG Linlin, LIU Nian
College of Economicsand Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
To examine the relations among industrialization,agricultural labor migration and rural labor price,the mediating effect model with panel data of 29 provinces from 1995 to 2015 was introduced in this study.The results showed that agricultural labor migration was a mediating variable between industrialization and rural labor price change.The industrialization level increases by 1%,the rural labor price would rise by 0.19%.Specifically,the industrialization displayed a significant positive impact on the rural labor price in the middle stage of industrialization,whereas it had a negative correlation with the rural labor price in the later stage of industrialization.Meanwhile the industrialization brought higher labor price through the promotion of labor migration,which was mainly in the eastern region followed by the central region and the weakest in the western region in China.
Key words:  rural labor price  industrialization  agricultural labor migration  mediating effect model