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王慧1, 王悦尚2, 李富宽1, 王振南1, 潘章源1, 杨燕3, 吕慎金1
1.临沂大学 农林科学学院, 山东 临沂 276000;2.临沂大学 药学院, 山东 临沂 276000;3.临沂市农业科学院 畜牧研究所, 山东 临沂 276012
关键词:  绵羊  母性行为  神经  内分泌  分子机制
Research progress on the maternal behavior, neuroendocrine and molecular mechanism of ewes
WANG Hui1, WANG Yueshang2, LI Fukuan1, WANG Zhennan1, PAN Zhangyuan1, YANG Yan3, LV Shenjin1
1.College of Agriculture and Forestry Science, Linyi University, Linyi 276000, China;2.College of Pharmacy, Linyi University, Linyi 276000, China;3.Institute of Animal Science, Linyi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Linyi 276012, China
In order to explore the research progress on the maternal behavior of sheep,the influencing factors and the neuroendocrine and molecular mechanisms regulating maternal behavior,literatures related to sheep's maternal behavior were searched by using sheep's maternal behavior,influencing factors,neuroendocrine,and molecular mechanism as keywords.The results showed that:The expression of maternal behavior promoted the development of the mother-young interactions;Ewe breeds,parity,temperament,litter size,pen size and nutrition in pregnancy effected on the expression of maternal behavior;Hormones (estrogen,oxytocin) and neurotransmitters (glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid,nitric oxide,noradrenaline) released in ewes regulated maternal behavior,and DNA methylation might be one of the molecular mechanisms regulating maternal behavior.It was found that the influencing factors and neuroendocrine regulation mechanism of sheep maternal behavior were fully investigated,while there was still a lack of the molecular mechanism of regulating the maternal behavior.
Key words:  ewe  maternal behavior  neuroendocrine  molecular mechanism