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揭琳南1, 焦书磊1, 王秀娟2, 王红清1
1.中国农业大学 园艺学院, 北京 100193;2.山东润竹山农业科技有限公司, 山东 262200
关键词:  草莓  “新H型”  生长  产量  果实品质  立体栽培
A new type of facility strawberry stereoscopic cultivation mode
JIE Linnan1, JIAO Shulei1, WANG Xiujuan2, WANG Hongqing1
1.College of Horticulture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Shandong Runzhushan Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong 262200, China
In order to improve the land utilization rate, a new type of facility strawberry stereoscopic cultivation mode "New H Type " was designed. Strawberry variety ‘Red’ (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.) was planted in two different cultivation modes, "New H Type" and traditional cultivation mode. The light illumination, vegetative growth of the plant, fruit yield and quality, and economic benefit index of these two modes were compared. "New H Type" was comprehensively evaluated in actual production performance. The results showed that the "New H Type" stereoscopic cultivation mode did better than the traditional one. The plant number increased by 20%, input increased by 44.455%, yield increased by 20.240%, total income increased by 35.269% and net profit increased by 25.876% per unit land area. It indicated that "New H Type" stereoscopic cultivation mode was superior to traditional cultivation in improving the land utilization.
Key words:  Fragaria×ananassa Duch.  “New H Type”  growth  yield  fruit quality  stereoscopic cultivation