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王航, 郭萍, 张帆
中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 100083
关键词:  灌溉水量  Jensen模型  双区间规划  非线性规划
Research on dual-interval programming for optimal irrigation model of three crops in Minqin County,Wuwei City
WANG Hang, GUO Ping, ZHANG Fan
College of Water Resource & Civil Engineering,China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
Aiming at the uncertainty of rainfall in optimal allocation of agricultural water resources,based on the traditional interval planning,the theory of dual-interval planning was introduced,and the maximum net benefit of farmers' planting as the objective function was used,and the combination of surface water and groundwater irrigation optimization model of crop irrigation water was established in this study.Hong Yashan Irrigation District of Minqin County,Wuwei City was taken as study object,The results show that the dual- interval programming to optimize irrigation of crops,wheat,maize,seed melon.The irrigation quotas were:[[179.81,191.81],[353.89,365.89]],[[119.46,141.46],[270.57,292.57]],[[180.04,213.04],[267.49,290.49]].Compared to the current situation,the amount of water saving reached 3%,27%,4%.It was found that the use of dual interval planning not only solved the problem of irrigation water optimization in irrigation area,but also provided greater decision space for decision makers and increased the practicability and reliability of the model.
Key words:  irrigation water  Jensen model  a dual-interval programming  non-linear programming