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廖崴, 郑立华, 李民赞, 孙红, 杨玮
中国农业大学 信息与电气工程学院/现代精细农业系统集成研究教育部重点试验室, 北京 100083
关键词:  苹果树  三维点云  相对光照强度  层有效叶面积指数  冠层光照分布模型
Canopy light distribution modeling for apple trees based on the 3D point cloud
LIAO Wei, ZHENG Lihua, LI Minzan, SUN Hong, YANG Wei
College of Information and Electrical Engineering/Key Laboratory of Modern Precision Agriculture System Integration Research, China Agricultural University, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100083, China
In order to provide theoretical foundation and technical guidance for pruning,fruit quality evaluating and fruit production predicting,the open center shaped apple tree was taken as research object,and its canopy light distribution model was explored based on apple tree's 3D point cloud structure.3D point clouds reconstruction and the point cloud segmentation technology were used to get apple tree's point cloud at different altitude layers,and the Pixel proportion and Graham scanning algorithms were used to calculate effective projection area of each layer and its covering area and the effective leaf area index of each layer.The apple tree canopy light distribution model was investigated between the actual illumination of each layer and its effective leaf area index.The model calibration and validation results showed that its calibration reached 0.924,and its root mean square error correction (RMSEC) was 0.05;its validation reached to 0.955,its root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) was 0.04,and its relative percent deviation (RPD) was 4.91 indicating this model had high prediction precision and strong ability of prediction.
Key words:  apple tree  3D point cloud  relative light intensity  layer effective leaf area index  canopy light distribution model