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吴亚垒, 祁力钧, 冀荣华, 张亚, 程浈浈, 程一帆
为了实现温室环境人机分离自动变量施药,设计了基于Wi-Fi与模糊控制的自走式自动变量风送弥雾机。系统以STC11F32XE单片机为核心,在Eclipse开发环境下采用Socket编程技术实现移动端与弥雾机端双向通信。虫害覆盖率和茄子冠层高度作为模糊控制模型的输入,根据控制规则自动控制电磁阀和继电器以调控喷雾流量Q和控制喷雾时间T,共同完成弥雾机变量施药。通过流量测定、模糊控制及自动与手动弥雾的沉积实验对远程变量施药系统进行了验证,结果表明:改进后的喷头流量与占空比的线性度较好,拟合度R? = 0.9964,自动弥雾与手动弥雾单位面积上雾滴沉积量随冠层高度和虫害覆盖率提高而显著增加且结果相近,满足变量喷雾的实际需求。
关键词:  Eclipse开发  Wi-Fi与模糊控制  图像处理  超声探测  变量施药  
Self-propelled and Air-assisted Orchard Sprayer with Automatic Variable Spray System
wuyalei, qilijun, jironghua, zhangya, chengzhenzhen, chengyifan
china Agriculture University
In order to realize automatic variable spray of man-machine separation in greenhouse environment, Self-propelled and Air-assisted Orchard Sprayer with automatic variable spray system was designed based on Wi-Fi and fuzzy control. The system uses the STC11F32XE Micro Controller Unit as the core, the Socket programming technology in the Eclipse development environment to realize the two-way communication between the mobile terminal and the fog machine. Pest coverage and the eggplant canopy height as a reference to the Index Input of the fuzzy control model, based on the control rules of the automatic control solenoid valve and relay, respectively, regulation of the spray flow rate Q and a control the spraying Time T, together to complete the misting machine for the variable spraying. By the flow rate measurement, fuzzy control, automatic and manual misting deposition experiments on a remote variable spraying system was verified. The results show that: the improved nozzle flow rate and the duty cycle of the linearity is good, the goodness of fit of R2=0.9964. Automatic misting with manual misting unit area on the droplet deposition amount increases with canopy height and pest coverage increased and is significantly increased and the results are similar, to meet the variable spray of the actual demand.
Key words:  Eclipse development  Wi-Fi and fuzzy control  Image processing  Ultrasonic testing  Intelligent variable