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刁松锋1,2, 李芳东1,2, 段伟1,2, 韩卫娟1,2, 孙鹏1,2, 傅建敏1,2
1. 国家林业局 泡桐研究开发中心, 郑州 450003;2.
2. 中国林业科学研究院 经济林研究开发中心, 郑州 450003
为探索柿杂交F1代叶片表型性状的分离规律,分析柿杂交F1代的叶表型遗传变异特征,采用子代性状离散描述、相关性分析和聚类分析等统计学方法对柿品种‘富有’(♀)ב赤柿’()杂交F1代的57棵单株叶表型14个数量性状和5个质量性状的多样性进行研究。14个数量性状的变异系数为6.87%~42.78%,其中叶片干重变异系数最大,叶片含水率变异系数最小;14个数量性状均分布于双亲之间,且具有较好连续性的正态分布趋势。5个质量性状的Shannon-Weinner多样性指数为0.912~2.224,平均值为1.466,其中叶片形状遗传多样性最丰富,叶片姿态丰富度最低。14个叶表型性状在F1代的中亲优势率为-38.16%~3.00%,其中的11个性状的中亲优势值为负值,且F1代未形成超亲优势。19种性状产生的171对相关性中分别有44对相关性达到极显著水平(P<0.01)和13对达到显著水平(P<0.05),其中质量性状与数量性状之间多呈负相关关系。系统聚类将F1代的57棵单株在遗传距离为12.5处分为Ⅰ和Ⅱ2个类群,在6.5处将Ⅰ、Ⅱ 2个大类各分为2个亚类,聚类结果充分反映各类群的特征。柿杂交F1代叶表型性状变异丰富,其中14个数量性状表现出比较广泛的分离特征,5个质量性状均具有较丰富的多样性。
关键词:    F1  叶表型性状  杂种优势  遗传多样性
Genetic diversity of phenotypic traits of leaves in F1 progeny of persimmon
DIAO Songfeng1,2, LI Fangdong1,2, DUAN Wei1,2, HAN Weijuan1,2, SUN Peng1,2, FU Jianmin1,2
1. Paulownia Research and Development Center of State Forestry Adminisration, Zhengzhou 450003, China;2.
2. Non-timber Forestry Research and Development Center, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Zhengzhou 450003, China
The objective of this study is to research the phenotypic traits,genetic diversity and variable characteristic of leaves in the F1 progeny of persimmon.Fourteen quantitative traits and five qualitative traits of 57 individuals from the F1 progeny of persimmon leaves(Diospyros kaki Thunb.‘Fuyu’(♀)×Diospyros kaki Thunb.‘Akagaki’()) were investigated by descriptive discrete characteristics,correlation,cluster analysis and diversity test.The results showed that,in the F1 progeny,the coefficients of variation of the quantitative traits were between 6.87% to 42.78%,the richest was Leaves Dry Weight and the poorest was Leaves Water Content.The 14 quantitative traits were evenly distributed in between two parents with fine continuity.The Shannon-Weinner' index of five qualitative traits were 0.912 to 2.224 and the mean was 1.466,the richest and the poorest were Leaves Blade Shape and Leaves Flat Status,respectively.The ratios of heterosis value of mid-parents(RHm) for the 14 quantitative traits were -38.16% to 3.00% of which eleven of them were negative,and no best-parent heterosis(Hb exited) in F1 progeny.Forty-four and thirteen pair's traits of 171 pairs from 19 showed extremely significant(at 0.01 level) and significant(at 0.05 level) correlation,respectively.Fifty-seven individuals from the F1 progeny were divided into first two groups at 12.5 of genetic distance based on hierarchical clustering,while the first groups were then divided into two sub-groups at 6.5.The clustering obtained reflected the characteristics of every group very well.The variation of the leaves phenotypic traits in the F1 progeny was very rich.Among them,14 quantitative traits showed more extensive separation characteristics and five qualitative traits have rich diversity.This study provides some theorethical basis for authentication and selection of filial generation and genetic improvement.
Key words:  persimmon  F1 progeny  leaves phenotypic traits  heterosis  genetic diversity