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邓婷1, 姜旭曈1, 丁敏1, 汤丽锋2
关键词:  温室  风振  压杆,弯曲振动  二阶效应  刚度矩阵法
Dynamic stiffness matrix model for flexural vibration of compression bar in greenhouse wind vibration analysis
Deng Ting1, Jiang Xutong1, Ding Min1, Tang Lifeng2
1.College of Water Resources & Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University;2.State Nuclear Power Engineering Company
In order to research the flexural vibration of compression bar in greenhouse wind vibration analysis, differential equation for transverse flexural vibration of compression bar was constructed according to geometric equation, equilibrium equation and physics equation of compression bar considering its second-order effect and inertia force. Displacement vector expressed by the basis function and the displacement coefficient for transverse flexural vibration of compression bar was also achieved. Based on the displacement boundary condition, displacement coefficient expressed by nodal displacement vector was obtained. Internal force equations of compression bar were established and then internal force at bar ends expressed by nodal displacement vector was provided. Finally, Total dynamic stiffness matrix colligating mass matrix,geometry matrix and stiffness matrix was given. This method can provide an exact solution for flexural vibration of compression bar expressed in matrix and vector format, which is simple and useful. And it can be applied to accurate analysis for dynamic performance and dynamic responses of compression bar in greenhouse under wind load.
Key words:  greenhouse  wind vibration  compression bar  flexural vibration  second-order effect  stiffness matrix method