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张标1, 张领先2, 傅泽田1, 李鑫星2
1.中国农业大学 工学院, 北京 100083;2.中国农业大学 信息与电气工程学院, 北京 100083
为探究我国蔬菜生产技术效率变动及其影响因素,基于技术效率理论基础,利用30个省市2011和2012年的164组样本数据,构建了超越对数生产函数模型,研究结果表明:我国蔬菜生产技术效率平均为0.809 9,存在显著的技术效率损失;各地区蔬菜生产技术效率水平有较大差异;平均技术效率从高到低依次为:中南 > 西北 > 华北 > 华东 > 西南 > 东北;物质与服务费用、化肥成本和劳动力成本3种投入要素存在不同程度的冗余。农业大省或较发达地区的蔬菜生产技术效率一般较高;无论黄瓜还是茄子,设施种植模式的平均技术效率均大于露地种植,且露地蔬菜生产的技术效率相对于设施蔬菜生产技术效率波动较大;农村人均纯收入和成灾面积比例对提高技术效率有负向影响,城镇化水平、农村劳动力受教育水平和有效灌溉率对技术效率提高有正向影响。
关键词:  蔬菜  设施蔬菜  技术效率  随机前沿生产函数  影响因素
Technical efficiency and influence factors of vegetable production: A case study based on cucumber and eggplant
ZHANG Biao1, ZHANG Ling-xian2, FU Ze-tian1, LI Xin-xing2
1.College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;2.College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
Based on the panel data of 30 provinces during 2011-2012 in China,a Trans-log Production Function model of vegetable production was constructed,and the technological trends of Chinese vegetable and factors were analyzed.The results showed that there were the excess input in material expenses,cost of fertilizer and labor costs.There was obvious area and planter pattern differentiation in technical efficiency and the average technical efficiency of vegetable is 0.809 9 in China.And the six factors that influence China's vegetable production technical efficiency were examined by using data model.Finally,policy recommendations were put forwarded to improve Chinese vegetables production technology efficiency.
Key words:  vegetable  protected vegetables  technical efficiency  frontier stochastic production function  factors