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关键词:  农业机械  深松  灭茬  联合作业机
干旱地区深松灭茬镇压联合整地机研究与试验 Study and Experiment on subsoiling, stubbling and suppress soil crushing combined tillage machine in arid area
Gansu Agricultural University
Pointed to the problems of single function of existing protective tillage machine, many times enter the field and high power consumption, a subsoiling, stubbling, crushing and supressing soil combined tillage machine. The paper describes the structure and working principle, and the design and theoretical calculation of subsoiling, stubbling, crushing and supressing soil working device are carried out, then confirm the structural form and parameters. The model of the soil contact process of suppress soil crushing roller and soil is established, and finite element simulation analysis is carried out. At the same time, the design of anti clamping device to solve the adhesion phenomenon of hilling. The theoretical analysis on the stability of the whole machine show that it can meet the requirement of the suspension quality of the Renault 1204. Results of the field experiment show that the subsoiling depth of the machine is 489.3?.6mm, the stability of subsoiling is 94.6%, the crushing rate of root stubble is 90.3%, and the crushing soil rate is 89.3%. The machine parameters meet the agronomic requirements, which provides a reference for the combined tillage machine.
Key words:  agricultural machinery, subsoiling, stubbling, combined machine