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高云航, 王巍, 勾长龙, 李秋菊, 娄玉杰, 马红霞
吉林农业大学 动物科技学院/动物生产与产品质量安全教育部重点实验室, 长春 130118
通过响应面分析方法对地衣芽孢杆菌MX5产木质素过氧化物酶(Lignin peroxidase,Lip)的发酵条件进行研究。根据Box-Benhnken中心组合设计原理,在单因素试验基础上采用三因素三水平的响应面分析法确定MX5产Lip的最佳培养条件为:培养基初始pH 8.76,培养温度37.6℃,发酵时间为98.32 h,酶活达到最大值103.965 U/L。表明试验建立的模型在预测Lip生产中具有良好的效果。
关键词:  地衣芽孢杆菌MX5  木质素过氧化物酶  优化  响应面
Response surface optimization of fermentation conditions for lignin peroxidase by Bacillus licheniformis MX5
GAO Yun-hang, WANG Wei, GOU Chang-long, LI Qiu-ju, LOU Yu-jie, MA Hong-xia
College of Animal Science and Technology/Key Laboratory of Animal Production, Product Quality and Security, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China
A lignin-producing Bacillus licheniformis MX5 strain was isolated in previous work.In current study,the response surface methodology was used to optimize fermentation conditions for lignin peroxidase (Lip) production by the strain.Lip activity in fermentation broth was investigated with respect to fermentation temperature,pH and fermentation time.A quadratic polynomial model describing the effects of the fermentation conditions on Lip production was established.The highest Lip production of 103.965 U/L was achieved under the following conditions:fermentation temperature of 37.6℃,pH of 8.76 and fermentation time of 98.32 h.In addition,the established regression model was found to be efficient in predicting Lip production.
Key words:  Bacillus licheniformis MX5  lignin peroxidase (Lip)  optimization  response surface