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卢彩云, 何进, 李洪文, 王庆杰, 苏艳波
关键词:  农业碳  生产工艺  性质测试  减排
Agrichar production technology and property testing and its implications in agricultural sustainable development
Lu Cai-yun, He Jin, Li Hong-wen, Wang Qing-jie, Su Yan-bo
Beijing Key Laboratory of Optimized Design for Modern Agricultural Equipment, College of Engineering, China Agricultural University
Abstract: Human activities to change nature were gradually increased and climate change became one of the most important challenges facing the modern world and agrichar was discovered. Agrichar is the carbon-rich product produced by thermal decomposition of organic material under limited supply of oxygen. Agrichar characteristics are affected by many factors, such as heating temperature, residence times et al. It is important to measure agrichar properties before use, and the main parameters include ASTM Analysis, adsorption capacity, cation exchange capacity and emergency et al. Compared biomass without charred, agrichar is very stable and stay in the soil several hundreds, even thousands which would sequestrate carbon in the soil for many years will reduce greenhouse gas emission; meanwhile, agrichar has rich carbon and large adsorption capacity which improve soil nutrient and crop yields. In conclusion, agrichar is a win-win strategy.
Key words:  key words: Agrichar  Productive Technology  Property Test  Emission Reduction