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张东晓1, 吴树彪1, 宋玉丽1, 柳清青1, 庞昌乐2, 董仁杰2
1.中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,北京 100083;2.中国农业大学 工学院,北京 100083
研究新型潮汐流人工湿地床对污水处理的效果。试验结果表明:在淹没排空比为3 h∶3 h和回流比1∶1的条件下,该潮汐流人工湿地床对COD、BOD5和氨氮(NH+4-N)的去除率分别为80.2%、79.0%和61.8%,去除负荷分别达到283.2、179.7 和30.1 g/(m2·d),高于其他类型人工湿地;对总磷(TP)的去除率为28.7%,去除负荷为2.9 g/(m2·d)。潮汐流人工湿地床总供氧能够满足有机物及氨氮的氧化需氧量。
关键词:  人工湿地床  潮汐流  去除负荷  复氧能力  硝化作用
Wastewater purification experiment study of a lab-scale tidalflow constructed wetland
ZHANG Dong-xiao1, WU Shu-biao1, SONG Yu-li1, LIU Qing-qing1, PANG Chang-le2, DONG Ren-jie2
1.College of Water Conservancy & Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;2.College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
A lab-scale tidal flow CW was studied to discuss the performance under the operation conditions.When the reflux ratio was 1∶1 and full of water to empty was 3 h∶3 h,the results showed that COD,BOD5 and ammonium removal efficiencies were 80.2%,79.0% and 61.8%,at loadings of 283.2,179.7 and 30.1 g/(m2·d) respectively,which were all higher than those of other types of CWs.The removal efficiency and removal loading of TP were 28.7% and 2.9 g/(m2·d).The oxygen supply could meet the need of oxygen in the tidal flow constructed wetland through the analysis of the oxygen transfers.
Key words:  constructed wetland  tidal flow  removal loading  reoxygenation ability  nitrification