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关键词:  温室 白粉虱 抗药性 胶皿监测法
Monitoring of Insecticide Resistance in Adult of Greenhouse Whitefly with Sticky Dishes
Zheng Bingzong  Gao Xiwu
Dept. of Entomology
The use of 45 mm petri dishes which bottom was coated with a thin layer of in-secticide acetone solution mixed with an elastomers,fly sdhesive (1 mL .g-1sticker), for monitoring of insecticide resistance in adult greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)was investigated. The mortality response of the adult of greenhouse whitefly,captured from greenhouse tomato by fly adhesive was istimated after 24 h under 25"C room temperature. The results showed that this technique provided a stable LC,,, with a low control mortality. The LC50 's of deltamethrin, fenvalerate, dimethoate, omethoate, and malathion were 23. 726, 197. 439, 0. 859, 0. 255, and 35. 640 mg .g-1sticker respectively.When compared with adu1t spray method for monitoring of imsecticide resistance, the toxi-city ratios (TR)of deltamethrin, fenvalerste, demethoate, omethoate,and malathion were 0.004, 0. 002 7, 6. 274, 3. 439, and 0.446 respectivly, this significant difference of TR be-tween pyrethroid and dimethoate or omethoatemay be related to the good systemic proper-ty and water solubility of dimethoate or ometnoate, while pyerthroid does not have sys-temic property and do have very low water solubility. For the insect growth regulator,buprofezin, resistance can not be estimated with adult sticky dishes method, but can be done with adult spray methbd. The advantages and disadvantages of the three methods for monitoring of insecticide resistance in adult whitefly were discussed.
Key words:  Trialeurodes vaporariorum,insecticide resistance,sticky dishes monitoring