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(华南农业大学 经济管理学院,广州 510642)
为了促进农户外包具有信任品属性的农业社会化服务,本研究基于1 080个农户,以及他们种植水稻相关的4 999个决策单元数据,分析人际信任、制度信任影响农户外包水稻无人机植保社会化服务的内在机理。研究发现:1)中国农村信任不再局限于“熟人社会”人际信任,进一步扩大到制度信任层面。人际信任和制度信任构建多维度农户信任,共同影响农户外包。在水稻植保环节,农户信任对外包植保服务起关键作用;2)经济水平不同地区,农户信任对植保服务外包影响不一致。经济发达的广东珠三角地区,人际信任和制度信任均促进农户外包;而经济欠发达的粤东西北部,制度信任显著促进农户外包;3)植保服务补贴和水稻种植保险均促进植保服务外包。前者为农户了解植保服务信息提供契机,直接促进农户外包。后者在制度信任对农户外包行为影响中起正向调节作用,有助于弥补供需双方信任基础不强缺陷,提高农户制度信任水平。最后,提出引导植保服务提供本地化、继续完善植保服务补贴、落实水稻种植保险政策赔付制度、完善植保服务契约尤其是保证服务质量条款的政策建议。
关键词:  无人机植保社会化服务  信任品  制度信任  人际信任  外包行为
Influence of farmers’ trust on services outsourcing during agricultural production process: Taking the socialized service of rice UAV plant protection as an example
SHI Min, CHEN Fengbo*, CHEN Fengxian
(College of Economics and Management, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)
To promote the outsourcing behavior of farmers in agricultural socialized services with trust attributes, based on 1,080 farmers and their 4,999 data for decision making units related to rice cultivation, this study discusses the internal mechanism of how interpersonal trust and institutional trust influence farmers’ decisions to outsource rice plant protection UAV socialized service adoption. The findings are as follows: 1) Rural trust in China is no longer limited to the interpersonal trust of the “acquaintance society”, but has further expanded to the level of institutional trust. The interpersonal trust and institutional trust build multi-dimensional farmer trust, which influence the outsourcing behavior of farmers. During rice plant protection process, farmers’ trust plays a key role in outsourcing plant protection services; 2) The impact of farmers’ trust on outsourcing plant protection services is inconsistent across regions with different economic levels. In the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong, an economically developed region, both interpersonal trust and institutional trust promote farmers’ outsourcing of plant protection services. In the eastern, western, and northern parts of Guangdong, the economically underdeveloped regions, institutional trust significantly promotes farmers’ outsourcing behavior; 3) Plant protection service subsidies and rice planting insurance both play a role in facilitating the outsourcing of plant protection services. Subsidies provide farmers with opportunities to access information, directly promoting outsourcing. Rice planting insurance positively moderates farmers’ institutional trust in outsourcing behavior, addressing trust issues between supply and demand, and increasing farmers’ level of institutional trust. In conclusion, this study offers policy recommendations to guide local provision of plant protection services, including continuously improving plant protection service subsidies, implementing a compensation system for rice planting insurance policies, and enhancing plant protection service contracts, particularly provisions that ensure service quality.
Key words:  UAV plant protection socialized service  trust goods  institutional trust  interpersonal trust  outsourcing behavior