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(1.西南林业大学 经济管理学院,昆明 650224;2.北京林业大学 经济管理学院,北京 100083)
为充分了解农户参与有机农业的动机和意愿,探究有效激励农户转向有机农业的驱动因素,基于兼具生态保护典型性和生态发展典型性的洋县朱鹮栖息地的816份农户微观调研数据和双栏模型,在考量生态保护的基础上,从经济收益、政策激励和和生态意识3个角度切入,探讨农户参与有机农业的核心驱动力。结果表明:1) 经济回报对农户参与有机农业有显著的正向影响,而经营成本和收入波动对农户参与有机农业的行为和程度影响都不显著;2) 补贴政策对农户参与有机农业的行为和程度都有显著的正向影响,引导政策只对农户的参与行为有显著的正向影响,但对农户的参与程度影响不显著,而约束政策对农户的有机农业参与行为和参与程度都有显著的负向影响;3)农户的生态意识对农户参与有机农业的行为和程度均具有显著的正向影响;4)从交互效应来看,政策激励能够以补贴、引导、约束等多种形式提升经济收益对农户参与的拉力,能有效缓解农户的畏难情绪和风险顾虑。
关键词:  有机农业  驱动力  经济收益  政策激励  生态意识  双栏模型
Economic benefits, policy incentives, and ecological awareness: An analysis of the drivers of farmers’ participation in organic agriculture
SU Kaiwen1, REN Jie2, HOU Yilei2, WEN Yali2
(1.School of Economics and Management, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China;2.School of Economics and Management, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)
The aims of this study were to fully understand the motivations and willingness of farmers to participate in organic agriculture, and explore the driving factors that effectively encourage farmers to transition to organic farming. Based on the micro-survey data of 816 farmers, a double-hurdle model from the Yangxian Crested Ibis habitat, which is typical for both ecological protection and ecological development, was taken as study object. The core driving forces of farmers’ participation in organic agriculture were investigated from three perspectives: Economic benefits, policy incentives, and ecological awareness. The results show that: 1) The economic returns have a significant positive effect on farmers’ participation in organic agriculture, while operating costs and income fluctuations have a non-significant effect on both the behavior and the degree of farmers’ participation in organic; 2) The subsidy policies have a significant positive effect on both the behavior and the degree of farmers’ participation in organic agriculture, and the guiding policies have a significant positive effect only on the participation behavior of farmers but have a non-significant effect on the degree of farmers’ participation, whereas constraint policy has a significant negative effect on both the behavior and degree of farmers’ participation in organic agriculture; 3) Farmers’ ecological awareness has a significant positive effect on both the behavior and degree of farmers’ participation in organic agriculture; 4) In terms of the interaction effect, policy incentives can enhance the pull of economic returns on farmers’ participation in the forms of subsidies, guidance, constraints etc., which can effectively alleviate the farmers’ fear and risk concerns.
Key words:  organic agriculture  driving force  economic benefits  policy incentives  ecological awareness  double-hurdle model