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(1.中国农业大学 资源与环境学院,北京 100193;2.中国农业大学 有机循环研究院(苏州),江苏 苏州 215100;3.中国航天员科研训练中心 人因工程国防科技重点实验室,北京 100094)
为获得适用于受控生态生命保障系统的低能耗和低排放的堆肥氧气供应参数,采用氧气和氮气混合气体模拟受控条件下的气体供应,以厨余垃圾和园林废弃物为堆肥原料,通过设置氧分压为5%(T1)、15%(T2)和30%(T3)的3个处理,探究氧分压对堆肥理化性质及NH3和H2S排放的影响。结果表明:T2处理有助于物料快速降解和堆体升温,堆体最高温度(65.95 ℃)和高温期持续时间(14 d)高于其他2个处理;T2处理NH3累积排放量分别比T1和T3处理减少了65.35%、24.01%。相关性分析表明,O2浓度、EC、C/N、NH4+-N是影响恶臭气体排放的主要因素。综合堆肥理化指标和恶臭气体排放情况,氧分压为15%可以同时缩短堆肥周期和减排臭气,研究结果可为受控生态生命保障系统中有机循环系统的构建提供参考。
关键词:  堆肥  氧气  氧分压  厨余垃圾  恶臭气体
Effect of oxygen partial pressure on odor emission from biomass waste composting under controlled condition
SUN Yuxin1,2, WANG Lingxiao1, LI Wen1, XU Zhao1, ZHOU Chenjunnan1,2, LI Yanming1,2, CHANG Ruixue1,2, AI Weidang3
(1.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 10019, China;2.Organic Recycling Research Institute (Suzhou), China Agricultural University, Suzhou 215100, China;3.National Key Laboratory of Human Factors Engineering, China Astronaut Research and Training Center, Beijing 100094, China)
Aerobic composting technology is the fundamental technology to realize safe treatment and resource utilization of organic solid waste in controlled ecological life support system (CELSS). However, the direct application of compost in CELSS is limited by excessive oxygen supply and energy consumption due to the differences between ground condition and space. Among which, the oxygen supply is an important factor that comprehensively affects the composting process, energy consumption and odor emission. In order to obtain suitable oxygen supply parameters in composting with low energy consumption and low emissions for controlled ecological life support system, a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen was used to simulate gas supply under controlled condition, meanwhile, kitchen waste and garden waste were used as composting materials. The effects of oxygen partial pressure on the physicochemical properties and the emissions of NH3 and H2S during the process were investigated by setting three treatments of 5% (T1), 15% (T2) and 30% (T3) oxygen partial pressure. The results showed that: T2 treatment stimulated the materials’ biodegradation and temperature rise of the reactor. Its maximum temperature (65.95 ℃) and the high-temperature duration (14 days) were higher than those in the other two treatments. Compared with T1 and T3 treatments, the accumulative emission of NH3 in T2 treatment was reduced by 65.35% and 24.01%, respectively. Combining the physical and chemical indexes of the products and the emission of odor gases, it was concluded that the oxygen partial pressure of 15% was suitable for composting. This study provided a scientific reference for the construction of organic cycle system in controlled ecological life support system.
Key words:  composting  oxygen  oxygen partial pressure  kitchen waste  odor gas