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(1.中国农业大学 农学院,北京 100193;2.中国农业大学 三亚研究院,海南 三亚 572000;3.义源(上海)节能环保科技有限公司,上海 200083)
为探究农用酵素在污水处理方面的应用方法和实际效果,并探讨出水用于农田灌溉的可行性,利用可视化软件VOSviewer对CNKI和Web of Science数据库中农用酵素处理污水的1 952篇相关文献进行综合分析。结果表明:1)国内外农用酵素处理污水的研究主要集中在农用酵素发酵工艺、农用酵素有效组分、污染物去除效果、酵素添加量及处理条件、对环境的影响和应用实例等方面。2)农用酵素是通过微生物厌氧发酵而形成的以有益微生物、有机酸、多种水解酶等活性代谢成分为一体的复杂而稳定的生态系统,可以提高污水中污染物的降解效率,处理后的污水达到了农田灌溉水质的标准。3)农用酵素作为1种低成本的绿色环保制剂近年来逐渐被用于污水处理,又因生活污水中含有氮磷钾等矿质元素而具有较丰富的养分和灌溉用水潜力,将乡村生活污水经酵素处理后用于农田灌溉,可以有效解决农业水资源短缺和乡村生活污水污染环境的问题。综上,在全球水资源短缺的情况下,农用酵素处理污水作为一项新型的高效低成本污水处理和循环再利用的方式,从农业可持续发展的需求出发构建生活污水等资源还田的模式,为农田生态系统物质循环健康发展提供新思路。
关键词:  农用酵素  污水处理  废弃物利用  农田灌溉
Research status and hot spot analysis of agricultural Jiaosu treatment of sewage based on bibliometrics
XU Runyu1, XU Shulin1,2, GAO Youhui1, HUANG Xueshuang1, TENG Lixiu1, CHEN Chunhong3, WANG Xiaofen1
(1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Sanya Institute of China Agricultural University, Sanya 572000, China;3.Yiyuan (Shanghai) Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200083, China)
In order to explore the application methods and practical effects of agricultural Jiaosu in sewage treatment, and to explore the feasibility of using effluent for farmland irrigation, this study used the visualization software VOSviewer to comprehensively analyze 1 952 relevant literatures on agricultural Jiaosu in CNKI and Web of Science databases. The results showed that: 1) The research directions of sewage treatment with agricultural Jiaosu at home and abroad mainly focus on the fermentation process of agricultural Jiaosu, effective components of agricultural Jiaosu, pollutant removal effect, Jiaosu addition and treatment conditions, environmental impact and application examples. 2) Agricultural Jiaosu is a complex and stable ecosystem formed by anaerobic fermentation of microorganisms, which integrates beneficial microorganisms, organic acids, a variety of hydrolases and other active metabolic components. It can improve the degradation efficiency of pollutants in sewage. The treated sewage meets the standard of farmland irrigation water quality. 3) As a low-cost and green preparation, agricultural Jiaosu has been gradually used in sewage treatment in recent years. Because domestic sewage contains mineral elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it has rich nutrients and irrigation water potential. The use of rural domestic sewage after Jiaosu treatment for farmland irrigation can effectively solve the problems of agricultural water shortage and rural domestic sewage pollution. To sum up, under the situation of global water shortage, as a new high-efficiency and low-cost way of sewage treatment and recycling, agricultural Jiaosu treatment of sewage is to build a model of returning domestic sewage and other resources to the farmland from the demand of agricultural sustainable development, which provides a new idea for the healthy development of farmland ecosystem.
Key words:  agricultural Jiaosu  sewage treatment  waste utilization  irrigation of farmland