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(1.中国农业大学 农学院,北京 100193;2.贵州农业职业学院,贵阳 551499;3.山西省灵丘县现代农业发展中心,山西 灵丘 034400;4.山西省灵丘县农村改革与经济事务中心,山西 灵丘 034400)
为探索适合中药材有机生产的施肥技术,以山西省道地药材-黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge)为研究对象,在山西省灵丘县设置化肥(C)、有机肥(O)、有机肥+矿物肥(OM)、有机肥+矿物肥+微生物肥(移栽时蘸根)(OMD)、有机肥+矿物肥+微生物肥(盛花期灌根)(OMI)、有机肥+矿物肥+微生物肥(盛花期喷施)(OMS)6个处理对二年生黄芪的生长发育、产量、品质和土壤微生物影响的研究。结果表明:OMD地下部产量最高,较C处理产量提高13.25%,较O处理产量提高了35.75%;OMD处理可以显著提高黄芪多糖和总黄酮的含量,较CK处理分别提高了20.88%和98.50%;OMD和OMI处理对根体积、根长和根系干物质积累的促进作用显著高于C处理;土壤微生物高通量测序结果表明,OMD处理提高了土壤中放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)丰度。综合考虑得出有机肥+矿物肥+微生物肥(移栽时蘸根)为最优处理方式。
关键词:  有机生产  黄芪  有机肥  矿物肥  微生物肥
Effects of fertilizer types and their different application methods on the organic production of Astragalus membranaceus
WANG Le1, GAO Youhui1, GAO Yong2, XU Pengju3, PEI Haijun4, HU Yuegao1
(1.College of Agronomy, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Guizhou Vocational College of Agriculture, Guiyang 551499, China;3.Modern Agricultural Development Center of Lingqiu County, Lingqiu 034400, China;4.Center for Rural Reform and Economic Affairs, Lingqiu County, Lingqiu 034400, China)
In order to explore the optimal fertilization technology for the organic production of Chinese medicinal materials, Astragalus membranaceus, a native medicinal material in Shanxi Province, was studied in Lingqiu County, Shanxi Province. Six different treatments including fertilizer (C), organic fertilizer (O), organic fertilizer+mineral fertilizer (OM), organic fertilizer+mineral fertilizer+microbial fertilizer (dip roots during transplanting period) (OMD), organic fertilizer+mineral fertilizer+microbial fertilizer (full bloom period) (OMI) and organic fertilizer+mineral fertilizer+microbial fertilizer (spraying during the flowering stage) (OMS) were designed. The effects of the 6 treatments on the effects of growth and development, yield, quality, and soil microorganisms of biennial A. membranaceus were studied. The results showed that: The yield of OMD underground was the highest, which was 13.25% higher than that of C treatment and 35.75% higher than that of O treatment. Compared with CK treatment, OMD treatment significantly increased the content of Astragalus polysaccharide and total flavone by 20.88% and 98.50%, respectively. The effects of OMD and OMI treatment on root volume, root length and root dry matter accumulation were significantly higher than those of C treatment. The results of high-throughput sequencing showed that OMD treatment increased the abundance of Actinobacteria and Chloroflexi in soil. After comprehensive consideration, it is concluded that organic fertilizer+mineral fertilizer+microbial fertilizer (dipping root during transplanting) is the most optimal treatment method.
Key words:  organic production  Astragalus membranaceus  organic fertilizer  mineral fertilizer  microbial fertilizer