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(1.四川农业大学 机电学院, 四川 雅安625014;2.作物生理生态及栽培四川省重点实验室, 成都 611130)
针对杂交稻机械化制种不育系稻种穴播的问题,根据不育系稻种物理特性参数和农艺要求,设计一种叶形曲线状型孔排种装置,采用EDEM仿真、高速摄像台架试验和正交试验的方法,对排种过程中型孔内稻种的受力与姿态、型孔结构和型孔参数进行研究。性能试验结果表明:1)叶形状型孔内平躺和侧卧稻种姿态充种概率之和>76%具有较好的排种性能。2)当型孔长度、宽度和深度分别为20.27、16.84和7.46 mm时,排种合格率和漏播率分别为92.63%和2.81%,排种性能较优。田间试验结果表明:不育系播种合格率和漏播率分别为82.69%和8.52%,穴距和穴径分别为120.60和38.90 mm,穴距变异系数和穴径变异系数分别为15.07%和29.03%,该精量穴播集中排种装置满足杂交水稻制种不育系直播农艺技术要求。
关键词:  杂交稻制种  不育系稻种  穴播  集排装置  排种性能
Design and experiment of precision hill-seeding device for female parent rice in mechanized seed production
ZHOU Zhonglin1,HU Hongji1,GUO Jinyue1,HUANG Bangchao2,LI Hui2,TAO Youfeng2,REN Wanjun2,LEI Xiaolong1,2*
(1.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya'an 625014, China;2.Crop Ecophysiology and Cultivation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 611130, China)
Aiming at the problem of hill sowing of female parent rice in mechanized seed production, a metering device with leaf-shaped curved model-hole was designed according to the physical characteristic parameters and agronomic requirements of female parent rice seeds. EDEM simulation analysis, bench test of high-speed camera and orthogonal experiment were applied to investigate the force and posture of rice seeds, model-hole structure and model-hole parameters during seeding process. The results showed that: 1)The seeding performance was better for seed-filling probabilities with the sum of longitudinal and lateral position more than 76% in leaf-shaped model-hole. 2)When the length, width and depth of the model-hole were 20. 27 mm, 16. 84 mm and 7. 46 mm, respectively, the seeding qualified rate and missed seeding rate were 92. 63% and 2. 81%, respectively. The field experiment results showed that the sowing qualified rate and missed rate were 82. 69% and 8. 52%, respectively. The hill spacing and diameter were 120. 60 mm and 38. 90 mm, respectively. The variation coefficient of hill spacing and diameter were 15. 07% and 29. 03%, respectively. Therefore, the hill-seeding centralized metering device of hybrid rice sterile line could meet the agronomic requirements of female parent direct seeding for hybrid rice seed breeding.
Key words:  hybrid rice breeding  female parent of hybrid rice  hill seeding  centralized seed-metering device  seeding performance