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(北京林业大学 水土保持学院/北京林业大学水土保持国家林业和草原局重点实验室, 北京 100083)
为了解作物水肥一体化领域研究特征、热点问题和发展趋势,基于Web of Science数据库,利用CiteSpace和VOSviewer等可视化软件对作物水肥一体化领域相关文献(2003—2022年)进行文献计量分析。结果表明:1)该领域文章发表数量呈波动上升趋势,研究涉及农艺学、水资源学和植物科学等学科,最具影响力和权威性的期刊是Agricultural Water Management。2)国际合作方面,中国学者与美国、加拿大等国合作密切,其中与美国相关机构的学者合作最为密切;作物水肥一体化研究机构和学者较为分散,中国农业大学、佛罗里达大学、中国科学院和西北农林科技大学等机构和张富仓、康跃虎、林杉和Morgan Kelly T.等人开展了大量水肥一体化研究工作。3)作物水肥一体化研究主要采用田间试验和模型模拟方法,研究内容由早期的果树和甜椒等栽培作物产量和果实品质研究,过渡到作物水分、养分运移和硝酸盐淋溶再到注重提高作物的养分吸收和水肥利用效率并兼顾环境效益。综上,作物水肥一体化的研究热点主要集中在土壤水分、养分运移和硝酸盐淋溶动态的模拟研究、水肥耦合对作物产量影响研究、水肥利用效率提升与水肥精准调控、水肥一体化过程中温室气体排放与减排农艺管理措施等方面。随着物联网和人工智能等新兴技术的发展,未来作物水肥一体化研究将朝着数字化、智能化和精准化的方向发展。
关键词:  作物水肥一体化  施肥管理  硝酸盐淋溶  环境影响  温室气体排放  文献计量分析
Research characteristics, hotspots and trend of crop fertigation based on bibliometric analysis
XIAO Jing,RAO Liangyi*
(School of Soil and Water Conservation of Beijing Forestry University/Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration onSoil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)
To understand the research characteristics, hot issues and development trends in the crop fertigation field, a bibliometric analysis was conducted on relevant literature in the filed of crop water and fertilizer intergration(2003—2022)based on the Web of Science(WOS)database using visualization software such as CiteSpace and VOSviewer. The results showed that: 1)The number of published papers fluctuated and increased, with research involving disciplines such as agronomy, water resources sciences and plant science. The most influential and authoritative journal was Agricultural Water Management. 2)In terms of international cooperation, Chinese scholars have close cooperation with the United States and Canada, among which the scholars from relevant institutions in the United States have the closest cooperation; The research institutions and scholars of crop fertigation field are scattered. Many institutions such as China Agricultural University, University of Florida, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Northwest A&F University, as well as Zhang Fucang, Kang Yaohu, Lin Shan and Morgan Kelly T. , have carried out a lot of research on water and fertilizer integration. 3)The crop fertigation research mainly adopts field experiments and model simulation methods. The research content ranges from the early research on the yield and fruit quality of cultivated crops such as fruit trees and bell peppers, to crop soil water and nutrient transport and nitrate leaching, and then to the focus on improving crop nutrient uptake and water and fertilizer use efficiency while taking into account environmental benefits. In summary, the research direction of crop fertigation mainly focuses on the simulation of soil water and nutrient transport and nitrate leaching dynamics, the coupling effects of water and fertilizer on crop yield research, the improvement of water and fertilizer use efficiency and the precise regulation of water and fertilizer, and greenhouse gas emissions and agronomy management measures of emission reduction in the crop fertigation process. With the development of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, future research on crop fertigation will move towards the direction of digitalization, intelligence and precision.
Key words:  crop fertigation  fertilization management  nitrate leaching  environmental impact  greenhouse gas emissions  bibliometric analysis