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(延安大学 生命科学学院, 陕西 延安 716000)
为探究覆膜与施氮量对陕北地区玉米生长特性及氮素转运的影响,以‘郑单958’玉米为供试材料,共设置11个处理,种植模式分为露地种植(M0)和覆膜(M1),施氮量分别为80(N1)、120(N2)、160(N3)、200(N4)、240(N5)kg/hm2,以露地种植下不施氮作为对照组,测定玉米生长、产量、氮素转运及氮肥利用效率。结果表明,覆膜与施氮量对大田玉米株高、茎粗、叶面积指数有显著影响,且随着生育期推进,玉米各生长指标均呈快速升高直至平缓的趋势,二者互作效应对株高具有极显著影响;覆膜和施氮对玉米产量具有极显著影响,覆膜显著提高玉米产量,随着施氮量的增加,玉米产量呈现先增后降的趋势,M0M1模式分别在N3N2水平下达到高产,为12 469.02和13 181.66 kg/hm2。随施氮量增加,各营养器官氮素积累量均表现出先增后减的趋势,成熟期各器官氮素积累由高到低为籽粒>叶>茎;玉米营养器官氮素转运量呈先降后增的趋势,施氮量和覆膜均显著影响玉米氮素转运效率,氮素吸收效率呈显著下降趋势;覆膜显著提高氮肥利用率、氮肥偏生产力及氮肥农学利用率,随着施氮量的增加,氮肥利用率、氮肥偏生产力及氮肥农学利用率均显著降低,而肥料产量贡献率先增后降。通过主成分综合评价,M1N3处理得分最高,因此推荐覆膜条件下施氮量160 kg/hm2作为陕北地区玉米较优的栽培模式。
关键词:  施氮量  覆膜  生长指标  氮素转运  主成分分析
Effects of nitrogen application and plastic mulching on the growth and nitrogen transport of maize in northern Shaanxi Province
MI Feiyao,ZHANG Teng,LI Zhuoyuan,XING Yingying,WANG Xiukang*
(College of Life Sciences, Yan'an University, Yan'an 716000, China)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mulching and nitrogen application on the growth characteristics and nitrogen transport of maize in northern Shaanxi Province. Maize variety ‘Zhengdan 958' was taken as the test material, and a total 11 treatments were set up. Planting patterns were open field(M0)and mulching(M1), and the N application rates were 80(N1), 120(N2), 160(N3), 200(N4)and 240(N5)kg/hm2, respectively. No N application under open field was used as control group, to determine the growth, yield, nitrogen transport and N fertilizer utilization efficiency of maize. The results showed that: Mulching and N application had significant effects on maize height, stalk thickness and leaf area index in the field. The growth indexes of maize showed a trend of rapid growth until leveling off as the fertility period progressed, and the mutual effect of mulching and N application had a highly significant effect on plant height. Mulching and N application had a highly significant effect on maize yield. Mulching significantly increased maize yield, and with the increase of N application, maize yield showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. With the increase of N application, maize yield showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing, and M0 and M1 models reached the highest yield of 12 469. 02 and 13 181. 66 kg/hm2 at N3 and N2 levels, respectively. Nitrogen accumulation in all nutrient organs showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing with increasing N application, and nitrogen accumulation in all organs at maturity was seed>leaf>stalk. Nitrogen transport in maize nutrient organs showed a trend of decreasing and then increasing; N application and mulching significantly affected maize nitrogen transport efficiency. Nitrogen uptake efficiency showed a significant decreasing trend. Mulching significantly improved N fertilizer utilization rate, N fertilizer bias productivity and N fertilizer agronomic utilization rate. With the increase of N application, N fertilizer utilization rate, N fertilizer bias productivity and N fertilizer agronomic utilization rate all decreased significantly, while the fertilizer yield contribution increased first and then decreased. In conclusion, through the comprehensive evaluation of principal components, M1N3 had the highest score, so the better model for maize cultivation in northern Shaanxi was to set the N application rate under mulching at 160 kg/km2.
Key words:  nitrogen application rate  film mulching  growth index  nitrogen transport  principal component analysis