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(1.东北农业大学 公共管理与法学院, 哈尔滨 150030;2.黑龙江省土地遥感大数据技术创新中心, 哈尔滨 150030;3.中国地质大学(武汉)公共管理学院, 武汉 430074)
为揭示东北黑土区耕地单产时空演变规律,本研究以县域为评价单元,基于时空演变与区域差异的研究视角,采用NPP换算耕地单产的方法,探究2000—2020年东北黑土区全域及其县域单产时空格局演化特征。研究表明:1)2000—2020年东北黑土区全域耕地单产在时序上呈波动上升趋势,共增加了0.79 t/hm2;低单产县、中单产县、高单产县数量减少,较高单产县数量增加,耕地单产内部差异基本不变。2)东北黑土区不同县域耕地单产在空间上非均衡状态明显。其中低单产县分布于黑土区西南部,中单产县集聚于黑土区西部,较高单产县分布于黑土区西北、东北与南部,高单产县分布于黑土区东南部。全域单产变化幅度沿“肇东—虎林”连线递减分布。3)结合区域单产与地形起伏度分异可知,东北黑土区单产受地形起伏度影响较大,且起伏度高值区与县域单产高值区具有一致性。研究框架及结果对县域单产提升等具有积极意义。
关键词:  耕地单产  遥感核算  时空差异性  NPP  东北黑土区
Evolutionary characteristics of spatial and temporal patterns of cultivated land yields in the black soil region of northeast China from 2000 to 2020
LI Quanfeng1,2,HUANG Yu1,DU Guoming1,2*,QU Shijin3,LI Yuqing1
(1.School of Public Administration and Law, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China;2.Technology Innovation Center for Land Remote Sensing Big Data of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150030, China;3.School of Public Administration, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), Wuhan 430074, China)
To reveal the spatial and temporal evolution of yield per unit area of cultivated land in the black soil area of northeast China, this research takes counties as the evaluation unit, based on the research perspective of temporal changes, spatial evolution, and regional differences, and uses NPP statistical values and convert them into yields to explore the temporal, spatial and regional change characteristics of yields in both the whole black soil region of the northeast and each county from 2000 to 2020. The results showed that: 1)From 2000 to 2020, the per unit area yield of cultivated land in the whole northeast black soil region showed a fluctuating upward trend in time sequence, which increased by 0. 79 t/hm2 in total. The number of low, medium and high per unit area yield counties decreased and the number of higher per unit area yield counties increased, and the internal variation of cultivated land yields remained basically unchanged. 2)The spatial variation of cultivated land yield in different counties of the northeast black soil region was in an obvious non-equilibrium state. The low per unit area yield counties were distributed in the southwestern part of the black soil area, the middle yield counties were concentrated in the western part of the black soil area, and the higher yield counties were distributed in the northwestern, northeastern, and southern parts of the black soil area, and the high yield counties were distributed in the southeastern part of the black soil area. 3)According to the regional yield and terrain fluctuation, it showed that the yield in the northeast black soil area was influenced by the topographic relief, and the areas with high values of relief were consistent with the areas with high values of county yield. In conclusion, the research framework and results are of positive significance for the improvement of per unit area yield of counties.
Key words:  cultivated land yield  remote sensing accounting  spatial and temporal variability  cultivated land  the black soil area of northeast China