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(1.甘肃省农业科学院 马铃薯研究所/甘肃省马铃薯种质资源创新工程实验室, 兰州 730070;2.国家种质资源渭源观测实验站, 甘肃 渭源 748201)
为探究超高淀粉马铃薯品种‘陇薯8号’的淀粉积累特性及调控的关键基因,以露地平播种植的‘陇薯8号’为试材,对盛花期(T1)至其后15(T2)、30(T3)、45(T4)和60 d(T5)的块茎进行蔗糖、淀粉含量测定与转录组测序及相关分析。结果表明:在整个取样期内,蔗糖含量在T1—T3期显著降低,之后有所回升;总淀粉含量随着发育进程的推进不断增加,其中T2—T3为激剧增长期,T3—T5增长较缓慢。转录组测序共获得14 634个基因在不同发育时期块茎中的转录表达数据,4个相邻时期比较组T1 vs T2、T2 vs T3、T3 vs T4和T4 vs T5的差异表达基因总数分别为1 279、427、184和300个,功能注释和代谢通路分析发现共有24个淀粉与蔗糖代谢途径相关的基因在各时期差异表达,其中只有蔗糖合酶基因Soltu.DM.09G031820Soltu.DM.07G013370、腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶基因Soltu.DM.01G049590、淀粉合酶基因Soltu.DM.02G027020和糖原磷酸化酶基因Soltu.DM.03G007710在整个取样期都高水平表达,且在T2和T5时期的表达量均高于低淀粉品种‘陇薯13号’。结合蔗糖、淀粉含量和基因表达的动态变化规律,推测Soltu.DM.09G031820、Soltu.DM.07G013370、Soltu.DM.01G049590和Soltu.DM.02G027020可能在‘陇薯8号’块茎淀粉的合成和积累中发挥重要的调控作用。
关键词:  马铃薯  发育时期  淀粉-蔗糖代谢  转录组分析
Starch accumulation pattern and transcriptome analysis of starch-sucrose metabolic pathway in potato ‘Longshu 8' tuber
JIA Xiaoxia1,2,LI Jianwu1,2,QI Enfang1,2,WEN Guohong1,2,LI Gaofeng1,2,LV Heping1,2,MA Sheng1,2,LIU Shi1,2,HUANG Wei1,2,ZHANG Rong1,2
(1.Potato Research Institute/Gansu Engineering Laboratory of Potato Germplasm resources Innovation, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, China;2.National Germplasm Resources Agricultural Experimental Station, Weiyuan 748201, China)
In order to explore the starch accumulation pattern of the potato variety ‘Longshu 8' with super high starch and its key regulatory genes, the contents of starch and sucrose, and transcriptome sequencing of ‘Longshu 8' tuber from full flowering(T1)to 15 d(T2), 30 d(T3), 45 d(T4)and 60 d(T5)after full flowering were determined. The results showed that: During the whole sampling period, the sucrose content decreased significantly from T1 to T3 stage, and then increased afterwards. The total starch content increased with the development of the growth process, and the starch content increased rapidly during T2 to T3 period and slowly during T3 to T5 period. The transcriptional expression data of 14 634 genes in tuber of potato at different developmental stages were obtained, and the total number of differentially expressed genes in 4 adjacent period comparison groups T1 vs T2, T2 vs T3, T3 vs T4 and T4 vs T5 were 1 279, 427, 184 and 300, respectively. The results of functional annotation and metabolic pathway analysis found that 24 genes related to starch and sucrose metabolic pathways differentially expressed in different periods, among which only sucrose synthase genes Soltu. DM. 09G031820 and Soltu. DM. 07G013370, ADP-Glucose pyrophosphorylase gene Soltu. DM. 01G049590, starch synthase gene Soltu. DM. 02G027020 and glycogen phosphorylase gene Soltu. DM. 03G007710 were expressed at high levels throughout the sampling period, and their expression levels at stage T2 and T5 were higher than those of the low-starch variety ‘Longshu 13'. Combining the dynamic changes of sucrose and starch content, with gene expression pattern, it is speculated that Soltu. DM. 09G031820, Soltu. DM. 07G013370, Soltu. DM. 01G049590 and Soltu. DM. 02G027020 genes may play important regulatory roles in the synthesis and accumulation of starch in ‘Longshu 8' tuber.
Key words:  potato  developmental stages  starch-sucrose metabolism  transcriptome analysis