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(中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院, 北京 100083)
为优化适用于加工肉制品的风味代盐剂配方,通过感官评价员的筛选以及感官试验评分标准控制,构建适用于咸味鉴评的感官评价体系;采用单因素试验以及响应面优化试验在水溶液体系中对代盐剂进行筛选及复配,进一步在代盐剂溶液体系中对风味改良剂进行筛选及复合配方的优化。结果表明:适用于加工肉制品的风味代盐剂最优配方各成分在水溶液体系中的质量浓度为:氯化钾3.5 g/L、抗坏血酸钙2.5 g/L、谷氨酸钙0.3 g/L、天冬氨酸0.04 g/L、甘草素0.03 g/L以及鸟苷酸 0.04 g/L。该风味代盐剂配方的综合口感评分为8.90,咸味口感与食盐较为接近且苦味异味不明显,可以应用在肉制品加工行业。
关键词:  代盐剂  加工肉制品  配方设计  配方优化
Optimization and formulation design of flavor salt replacement for processed meat
ZHANG Ying,ZHANG Yifan,WANG Shibo,ZHOU Xing,LI Pinglan
(College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China)
In order to optimize the formulation of flavor salt replacement for processed meat products, a sensory evaluation system for salty taste was constructed by screening sensory evaluators and controlling standard for sensory evaluation. Meanwhile, the complex formulation of salt replacement in the aqueous solution system was optimized and designed by a single factor and response surface optimization test. On the basis of the salt replacement formulation, the optimal formulation of flavor salt replacement for processed meat was investigated. The results showed that the optimal formulation of flavor salt replacement for processed meat was as follows: potassium chloride 3. 5 g/L, calcium ascorbate 2. 5 g/L, calcium glutamate 0. 3 g/L, aspartic acid 0. 04 g/L, glycyrrhizin 0. 03 g/L and guanylic acid 0. 04 g/L. The comprehensive taste score of optimum flavor salt replacement was 8. 90. In conclusion, the optimal flavor salt replacement has approximately salty taste and light bitterness, which can be applied in the meat processing industry.
Key words:  salt replacement  processed meat  formulation design  formulation optimization