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(1.内蒙古农业大学 沙漠治理学院, 呼和浩特 010018;2.内蒙古杭锦荒漠生态系统国家定位观测研究站, 内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017400;3.呼和浩特职业学院, 呼和浩特 010070)
针对草原地区光伏电站投产使用后光伏电板下不同位置降水、气候环境和土壤水分运移过程发生改变的问题,以内蒙古中部地区典型草原光伏电站为研究对象,采用野外观测及试验的方法对单次降水事件中光伏电板对雨水的再分配作用进行量化,并对光伏电板下不同位置土壤水分蒸散量及大气温、湿度进行逐日测定。最终通过相关分析及线性回归方程得出光伏电板下土壤水分和土壤蒸散量对降水事件的响应过程,确定其耦合关系。结果表明:1)光伏电板对地面水分收集产生了重新分配,光伏电板前檐下方由于电板的汇水作用降水量较未架设电板处平均增加了111.33 mm,电板遮挡下方降水量较未架设电板区域显著降低;2)光伏电板下各土层体积含水率整体高于未架设电板区域的土壤体积含水率,其中对照处0~10 cm土层体积含水率分别占光伏电板前檐下方和电板拼接缝隙下方土层体积含水率的47.61%和38.08%。光伏电板下的2个螺栓下方和电板后檐下方的土壤累积蒸发量仅为3.52、2.76和2.91 mm,均低于未架设电板区域的土壤蒸发量;3)光伏电板下0~10 cm和10~20 cm 土层蓄水量与降水量的回归系数R2分别为0.716 6和0.829 2,表层0~20 cm土层蓄水量受降水影响较为明显。光伏电板下土壤累计蒸发量与降水量拟合R2为0.771 6。土壤逐日蒸发量与初始土壤体积含水率具有较强的相关关系,且随时间推移相关性逐渐增强。
关键词:  光伏电站  降水量  土壤含水率  土壤蒸散量  分异规律
Difference regularity of precipitation redistribution and soil water evapotranspiration in photovoltaic panels in typical steppe areas of Inner Mongolia
ZHAI Bo1,DANG Xiaohong1,2*,CHEN Xi3,LIU Xiangjie1,YANG Shirong1
(1.Desert Science and Engineering College, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China;2.Inner Mongolia Hangjin Desert Ecological Position Research Station, Ordos 017400, China;3.Hohhot Vocational College, Hohhot 010070, China)
Aiming at the problem of changes in precipitation, climate and soil moisture transfer process in different locations under photovoltaic panels after the photovoltaic power station in the steppe region was put into use, a typical grassland photovoltaic power plant in central Inner Mongolia was taken as the research object. Field observation experiments were conducted to quantify the impact of photovoltaic panels on rain redistribution in a single precipitation event. The soil volumetric water content at different depths of the soil layer under the photovoltaic panel, the evapotranspiration of soil moisture at various positions under the panel, and the atmospheric temperature and humidity were measured daily. Through the correlation analysis and linear regression equation, the response process of soil moisture and soil evapotranspiration under photovoltaic panels to precipitation events were obtained, and the coupling relationship was determined. The results show that: 1)Photovoltaic panels redistributed the ground moisture collection. Under the effect of pooling water under the front eaves of photovoltaic panels, the precipitation under the front edge of the photovoltaic panel increased by an average of 111. 33 mm. The precipitation below the panel was significantly lower than the area without the panel; 2)The volumetric water content of each soil layer under the photovoltaic panel was generally higher than the soil volumetric water content of the area where the panel is not erected. Among them, the volumetric water content of the soil layer in the control area of 0-10 cm accounts for 47. 61% and 38. 08% of the volumetric water content of the soil layer below the front eaves of the photovoltaic panel and below the gap between the photovoltaic panels, respectively. The accumulated evaporation of the soil under the two bolts under the photovoltaic panel and under the back eaves of the photovoltaic panel were only 3. 52, 2. 76 and 2. 91 mm, which were less than the soil evaporation in the area where the panel was not installed; 3)The regression coefficients R2 of the water storage and precipitation in the 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers under the photovoltaic panels were 0. 716 6 and 0. 829 2, respectively. The water storage in the 0-20 cm soil layer was significantly affected by precipitation. The fitted R2 of soil cumulative evaporation and precipitation under photovoltaic panels was 0. 771 6. In conclusion, there was a strong correlation between daily soil evaporation and initial soil volumetric water content, and this correlation has enhanced over time.
Key words:  photovoltaic power plant  precipitation  soil moisture content  soil evapotranspiration  law of differentiation