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王爽1, 王鹏1, 李少娟1, 冯达2, 彭翔1, 甘志喆1, 黄天骄1, 李天红1,3
(1.中国农业大学 园艺学院, 北京 100193;2.北京世界园艺博览会事务协调局, 北京 100083;3.北京林果业生态环境功能提升协同创新中心, 北京 102206)
为研究2019北京世园会展区土壤养分空间分布特征,在面积为960 hm2的展区范围内,以200 m×200 m网络布点,共采集表层土壤样品85个,测定包括土壤pH,有机质(SOM)、全氮(TN)、碱解氮(AN)、有效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)、有效铁(AFe)、有效锰(AMn)、有效铜(ACu)和有效锌(AZn)含量等指标,应用传统统计学和地统计学方法对数据进行分析,结果表明:展区内土壤pH为8.76,属于强碱性;土壤SOM、TN和AK含量处于中等水平;AN和AP含量处于较低水平;土壤4种有效微量元素含量处于较高水平。采用Kriging内插法得到土壤各养分指标空间分布特征,其中土壤SOM、TN和AN含量分布主要受地形因素影响,由妫河河岸向两侧逐渐递增;AP含量分布由北向南逐渐增加;AK含量分布较为均匀;有效微量元素受地形因素和人为因素共同影响呈区域性分布。根据土壤养分的空间分布特征,将2019世园会展区划分为东部低肥区、中部高肥区、森林公园低肥区以及西部低肥区四部分,为下一步展区规划、景观设计和植物配置养护提供科学依据。
关键词:  土壤养分  北京世园会  半方差函数  空间分布
Study on spatial distribution of soil nutrients in large city exhibition area: A case study of 2019 Beijing International Horticulture Exhibition
WANG Shuang1, WANG Peng1, LI Shaojuan1, FENG Da2, PENG Xiang1, GAN Zhizhe1, HUANG Tianjiao1, LI Tianhong1,3
(1.College of Horticulture, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Bureau of Beijing International Horticulture Exhibition Coordination, Beijing 100083, China;3.Beijing Collaborative Innovation Center for Eco-Enviromental Improvement with Forestry and Fruit Trees, Beijing 102206, China)
To study the spatial distribution of soil nutrients in 2019 Beijing International Horticulture Exhibition site,top soil samples (0-20 cm) were collected in a 200 m×200 m grid and a total of 85 samples were taken within the 960 hm2 exhibition area of Beijing International Horticulture Exhibition site,analyzed for values of pH and concentrations of soil organic matter (SOM),total nitrogen (TN),available nitrogen (AN),available phosphorus (AP),available potassium (AK),available Fe (AFe),available Mn (AMn),available Cu (ACu) and available Zn (AZn).Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used for data analyzes.The results showed that:The pH value of the soil was strongly alkaline (pH=8.76).Contents of SOM,TN and AK were at medium level;Contents of AN and AP were at lower level;Contents of AFe,AMn,ACu and AZn were at higher level.The spatial variation characteristics of all elements were analyzed by the geographic information system Kriging method.The conclusions were:The content distribution of SOM,TN and AN were mainly affected by topology factor,which decreased from the river bank to both coasts;AP decreased from north to south;AK content distribution was uniform;Available microelements regional distributions was affected by terrain and human factors.According to the spatial distribution of soil nutrient,2019 Beijing International Horticulture Exhibition site was classified as ‘Low level fertility zone in the east’,‘High level of fertility in the middle’,‘Low level fertility zone in the forest park’ and ‘Low level fertility zone in the west’.This study will provides a scientific theoretical basis for next step planning,landscape design,plant disposition and maintain of the exhibition area.
Key words:  soil nutrients  Beijing International Horticulture Exhibition  semivariance  spatial distribution