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冯晓敏1, 杨永1,2, 任长忠3, 胡跃高1, 曾昭海1
(1.中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院, 北京 100193;2.新疆农业科学院哈密瓜研究中心, 乌鲁木齐 830091;3.吉林省白城市农业科学院, 吉林白城 137000)
关键词:  PCR-DGGE  间作  nifH基因  燕麦  大豆  花生  群落多样性  群落结构
Effects of oat-soybean and oat-groundnut intercropping on the diversity and community composition of soil nitrogen-fixing bacterial in rhizosphere soil
FENG Xiao-min1, YANG Yong1,2, REN Chang-zhong3, HU Yue-gao1, ZENG Zhao-hai1
(1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Hami Melon Research Center, Xinjiang Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Urumqi 830091, China;3.Baicheng Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Jilin, Baicheng 137000, China)
Being an indicator of environment variation,nitrogen-fixing bacterial community is very sensitive to the variation of environment.But the relationship between those two is unclear.This study aimed to investigate the variation of nitrogen-fixing bacterial community diversity responded to different intercropping systems by targeting nifH gene.Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(PCR-DGGE) and DNA clone technology were employed to investigate the variation of nitrogen-fixing bacterial community in rhizosphere soil as affected by oat/soybean intercropping,oat/groundnut intercropping and monocropping of these three crops.Principal component analysis indicated that nitrogen-fixing bacterial community in rhizosphere soil was relatively stable and barely changed within the intercropping system,especially in oat-soybean intercropping system.Based on the DGGE bands sequencing and Phylogenetic analysis of nifH gene,nitrogen fixing microbes mainly affiliated to Bradyrhizobium Jordan of α-Proteobacteria,Azohydromonas of β-Proteobacteria,and few other species.The rhizosphere of beans had a complicated composition,including B.Jordan of α-Proteobacteria,Azohydromonas and Pseudacidovorax of β-Proteobacteria,Klebsiella pneumonia of γ-Proteobacteria,Cyanobacteri and some uncultured bacteria.In conclusion,the oat-beans intercropping systems had effects on the diversity and community structure of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the rhizosphere of plants.It would help us to understand the positive effects of oat-beans intercropping.
Key words:  PCR-DGGE  intercropping  nifH gene  oat-soybean  oat-groundnut  nitrogen-fixing bacterial community diversity  community composition