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(1.中国社会科学院 农村发展研究所, 北京 100732;2.内蒙古财经大学 经济学院, 呼和浩特 010070)
关键词:  蒙古族生态移民  生计转型  非农生计策略选择  困境
基金项目:国家社会科学基金资助项目(12CMZ027); 2014年度内蒙古自治区高等学校"青年科技英才支持计划"(NJYT-14-B14)
Analysis on selection of off-farm livelihoods strategy and dilemma for ecological migration of the Mongol nationality in the context of livelihoods transformation
SHI Jun-hong1,2
(1.Rural Development Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China;2.School of Economics, Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, Huhhot 010070, China)
Based on the survey data about the ecological migration of seven immigrant settlement regions in Daerhanmaomingan Union Banner in Inner Mongolia,using methods such as statistical description and perceive,the selection of off-farm livelihood strategy and dilemma were analyzed empirically.Research showed that for the ecological migration,selection of temporary part-time work without skills had been taken as their main off-farm livelihood strategy,moreover,for the ecological migration,the proportion for those who were females and who had degrees of education of primary and junior high school,their selection of unemployment was relatively higher;For the ecological migration,selection of off-farm livelihood strategy mainly depended on themselves.In selection of off-farm livelihood strategy,for the ecological migration,people usually encounter some dilemmas,such as low wages,short of technology,work chances,knowledge,fund and social relations,and dilemma of verbal communication,short of champion and enterprises.In this paper,it suggested that in order to improve transformation capacity of off-farm livelihood strategy in involuntary migration,an institution for non-agricultural employment should be established,on the basis of sex,degree of education and labor capacity,and some measures should be adopted such as selection of suitable industry,employment training in secondary and tertiary industries,migration pattern of combination in internal and external resettlement areas,and extending the characteristic livestock products processing industry chain,which eventually realized sustainable development for the ecological migration in the context of livelihood transformation.
Key words:  ecological migration of the Mongol nationality  livelihood transformation  selection of off-farm livelihood strategy  dilemma