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李衍素, 赵云龙, 贺超兴, 闫妍, 于贤昌
(中国农业科学院 蔬菜花卉研究所, 北京 100081)
为明确碳晶电热板在日光温室冬季黄瓜育苗中的应用效果, 以日光温室正常培养(不加温)和发热电缆(敷设功率为100 W/m2)加温为对照, 研究碳晶电热板加温对基质温度、耗电量、黄瓜幼苗生长和生理特性影响;以日光温室正常培养(不加温)为对照, 研究隔热层在碳晶电热温床育苗中的节能效果差异。结果表明:1)80 W/m2敷设功率的碳晶电热板加温的夜间基质温度能达到并保持目的温度(18 ℃), 比对照最低温度和平均温度分别高12.1和6.07 ℃, 比发热电缆处理最低温度和平均温度分别高7.0和3.05 ℃, 耗电率比发热电缆处理的减少34.4%;2)黄瓜出苗时间为1.3 d, 比对照处理减少4.0 d, 比发热电缆处理减少2.0 d;3)80 W/m2碳晶电热板加温处理的黄瓜壮苗指数比对照处理增加144.4%, 比发热电缆处理增加46.7%;4)与不使用隔热层的碳晶电热温床相比, 使用聚苯乙烯板和无纺布制作成的隔热层的电热温床的日平均温度分别提高2.3和1.9 ℃, 耗电率减少22.6% 和21.2%, 黄瓜壮苗指数提高50.0%和43.8%。说明碳晶电热板加温是适合我国华北地区冬季设施黄瓜育苗的加温方式, 敷设功率以80 W/m2为宜;聚苯乙烯板和无纺布是适合碳晶电热温床使用的隔热材料。
关键词:  黄瓜  日光温室  碳晶电热板  生长  耗电量
基金项目:"现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金" (CARS-25-C-01);中国农业科学院科技创新工程(CAAS-ASTIT-2013-IVF CAA3);农业部园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点实验室项目资助
Application of electric carbon crystal warming board for seedlings culture of cucumber in greenhouse in winter
LI Yan-su, ZHAO Yun-long, HE Chao-xing, YAN Yan, YU Xian-chang
(Institute of Vegetables and Flowers, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Beijing 10081, China)
The electric carbon crystal warming board was used for seedlings culture of cucumber in greenhouse in winter, with controls of normal culture (no warming, CK1) and cable warming (setting power was 100 W/m2, C100). The monitored parameters included substrate temperature, power consumption, growth and physiological characteristics of cucumber seedlings warmed by carbon-fiber electric heating boards in greenhouse.The effects of different thermal barriers of carbon-fiber electric heating boards on seedlings culture were investigated with a comparison of the normal culture (no warming, CK2).The results showed that the treatment of 80 W/m2 setting power (P80) of carbon-fiber electric heating boards increased the substrate night temperature and maintained at 18 ℃. The minimum temperature of substrate was 12.1 ℃ higher than that of CK1. The average temperature of substrate was 6.07 ℃ higher than that of C100.The power consumption rate was 36.2 kW·h/m2, 34.4% lower than that of C100. The emergence days of cucumber seedlings were 1.3 d, 4 and 2 days shorter than those of CK1 and C100 respectively. The healthy index was 0.22, 144.4% and 46.7% higher than those of CK1 and C100 rspectively.Compared with the carbon-fiber electric heating boards without a thermal barrier, both daily average temperature of the substrate warmed by the carbon-fiber electric heating boards with polystyrene board and non-woven fabrics increased by 2.3 and 1.9 ℃ respectively, the power consumption rates decreasing by 22.6% and 21.2% respectively and the healthy indexes of cucumber seedlings increasing by 50.0% and 43.8% respectively.It was thus evident that the carbon-fiber electric heating boards warming was a suitable method for cucumber seedling culture in greenhouse in winter. The appropriate setting power was 80 W/m2.The polystyrene board and non-woven fabrics could be used as the thermal barriers.
Key words:  carbon-fiber electric heating board  sunlight greenhouses  cucumber  growth  power consumption