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靖西珍稀药用植物剑叶龙血树(Dracaena cochinchinensis)生态解剖研究
周琼1, 黎桦1, 谢义林1, 李刚2
(1.广西大学 农学院, 南宁 530005;2.广西药用植物园, 南宁 530023)
以广西靖西珍稀药用植物剑叶龙血树(Dracaena cochinchinensis)为材料,采用光学显微镜及电镜扫描技术,研究其营养器官的解剖结构特征。结果表明:其叶为等面叶,上下表皮均有气孔器分布并具较发达的角质膜,下表皮气孔较多、孔下室发达且角质膜多具乳突状疣体,上下表皮内方都均匀分布成束的机械组织,侧脉中木质部与韧皮部呈横向平列关系。老根由发达的栓化层、皮层和维管柱组成;且皮层薄壁组织中散生大量次生周木维管束。老茎的结构由外至中央依次为栓化层、皮层、形成层及散布有维管束的基本组织;在基本组织中的初生外韧维管束散布在近茎中央的基本组织中,次生周木有限维管束则在形成层与初生维管束之间散布,皮层中无维管束分布。产于广西靖西的剑叶龙血树其营养器官的解剖结构与岩溶石山的干旱、高温和瘠薄的生态环境相适应,体现了结构与功能的统一。
关键词:  剑叶龙血树  营养器官  解剖结构
Ecological anatomy of Dracaena cochinchinenis from Jingxi, Guangxi
ZHOU Qiong1, LI Hua1, XIE Yi-lin1, LI Gang2
(1.College of Agriculture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China;2.Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants, Nanning 530023, China)
The structural characters of nutritive organs in Dracaena cochinchinenis from Jingxi,Guangxi were studied by light microscope and scanning electronic microscope(SEM).The results showed that the leaves were isobilateral,in which the stomata with reniform guard cells were distributed in both sides of epidermis and covered with cuticular membrane.The underneath epidermis had a lot of stoma and the air chambers with developed cuticular membrane and papilliform projections.The mechanical tissue bundles were equably distributed up and low epidermis.The relationship between xylem and phloem in lateral vein was horizontal to the epidermis.The structure of older roots consisted of suberizative layer,cortex and central cylinder and lots of the secondary amphivasal bundle scattered inside the parenchyma tissue layer of cortex.The structure of old stem was of suberizative layer,cortex and the vascular bundle scattered inside the parenchyma tissue layer from the outside to the central.Primary vascular bundles were scattered in the parenchyma tissue layer near the central.The secondary amphivasal closed bundles were scattered between cambium and primary vascular bundle.The vascular bundle was not found in cortex.The structural characters of nutritive organs of D.cochinchinens suggested that the plant might adapt to the drought,high temperature and infertile karst area,meaning the structure and function were identical.
Key words:  Dracaena cochinchinensis  nutritive organ  anatomical structure