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齐振宏1,2, 周萍入1, 冯良宣1, 董园园1, 张董敏1
(1.华中农业大学 经济管理学院, 武汉 430070;2.湖北农村发展研究中心, 武汉 430070)
关键词:  转基因食品  公众  科学家  风险认知
基金项目:国家转基因重大专项(2011ZX08001-001); 国家社科重点项目(11AZD107); 中国科协项目(4006-106012)
A comparative research on GMF risk perception from public and scientists
QI Zhen-hong1,2, ZHOU Ping-ru1, FENG Liang-xuan1, DONG Yuan-yuan1, ZHANG Dong-min1
(1.College of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;2.Hubei Rural Development Research Center, Wuhan 430070, China)
Data collected from a survey conducted in several developed cities in the eastern,the central and the western of China were used to analyze the current cognition of GMF health risk and ecological environment risk of the public and scientists.At the same time,we also utilized polychromous logistic regression model to explore the reasons leading to the risk perception differences.The results showed that the public usually had a cautious attitude while the scientists were more optimistic.One of the causes was the public had less knowledge about GMF and lack of knowledge and information,and thus the public was more vulnerable to information and internal psychological factors.Person who with more GMF knowledge and whose information was from traditional media thought that the risk would be greater.The trust to the experts,government,enterprises and food safety can reduce the GMF risk view of the public.Since scientists with much more knowledge about GMF,they were less influenced by information and psychological factors.Also,the individual characteristics affected the risk perception of both the public and scientists.
Key words:  GMF  the public  scientists  risk perception