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付言峰, 傅金銮, 王爱国
(中国农业大学 动物科学技术学院,北京 100193)
利用本课题组已报道的猪繁殖性状候选基因的8个SSCP-SNPs标记,对995头长白猪和大白猪群体的遗传多样性进行分析,统计了各群体内SNP的多态信息含量(PIC)、有效等位基因数(E)和遗传杂合度(h)。通过比较各SNP位点基因型关联的总产仔数(TNB)和产活仔数(NBA),找到了各猪群中的优势和劣势基因型。结果表明:8个SNP位点在2个猪群中的多态信息含量有3个为中度多态,5个为高度多态。IL-8基因C424G位点的AA基因型为2个猪群的最优势基因型,VEGF基因C1489T位点的AB型和IL-8基因Intron1 977A位点的AB型分别为长白猪和大白猪的最劣势基因型,3个多态位点的基因型都可在猪的分子育种中进行标记辅助选择。
关键词:    产仔数  遗传多样性  多态性
基金项目:国家"863"计划项目(2007AA10Z166,2008AA101008); 国家科技支撑计划项目资助(2008BADB2B11)第一作者:付言峰,博士研究生,E-mail:fuyanfeng@gmail.com通讯作者:王爱国,教授,博士生导师,主要从事猪的遗传育种研究,E-mail:agwang@cau.edu.cn
SSCP-SNPs analysis for genetic diversity and phylogeneticrelationship of candidate genes of reproductive traits in pigs
FU Yan-feng, FU Jin-luan, WANG Ai-guo
(College of Animal Science and Technology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)
Polymorphism information content (PIC),effective number of alleles (E) and heterozygosity (h) were calculated for each breed of the 995 Landrace and Yorkshire pigs by using the 8 SSCP-SNPs markers of the reproductive traits candidate genes.Dominant and disadvantage genotypes of each breed were found through comparing TNB and NBA associated with genotypes of each SNP locus.The results showed that 3 of 8 SNP loci were moderate polymorphic effect markers for analysis of genetic relationship among pig breeds,and another 5 loci were high polymorphic effect markers. Genotype AA at C424G locus of IL-8 gene was the most dominant genotype in Landrace or Yorkshire while Genotype AB at C1489T locus of VEGF gene and Genotype AB at Intron1 977A locus of IL-8 gene were the most disadvantage genotypes in Landrace and Yorkshire.All of three genotypes at different locus could be carried out in molecular breeding for marker-assisted selection breeding.
Key words:  pig  litter size  genetic diversity  polymorphism