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吴树彪1, 张东晓1, 柳清青1, 翟旭2, 胡静1, 董仁杰3
(1.中国农业大学 农业部设施农业工程重点开放实验室,北京100083;2.西北农林科技大学 农业部沼气西北分中心,陕西 杨凌712100;3.中国农业大学 工学院,北京 100083)
我国水环境污染日趋严重,传统人工湿地复氧量常小于截留污染物降解需氧量,床体氧环境较差直接影响污水处理效率,且易于堵塞。本研究以探索新型潮汐流人工湿地对污水的高效处理为目的,以室内无植物封闭柱式潮汐湿地床为研究对象,探讨5种不同运行条件下污染物去除能力和复氧效果。结果表明:不同运行条件对悬浮物的去除率影响不大,淹水时间3 h,总磷(TP)和氨氮(NH3-N)的去除效果最优,且采用一级反应动力学计算得到的有机物降解常数KBOD最大,有机物降解能力较强。通过对各运行条件系统供氧和理论污染物降解需氧的恒量计算发现,在忽略植物根系泌氧和大气自由扩散复氧的前提下,排空时间3 h均满足系统污染物理论需氧量的需求。不同运行条件床体基质孔隙率差别不明显,有机负荷是影响孔隙率变化的主导因素,适当轮休可有效缓解堵塞现象发生,恢复床体水流传导力。
关键词:  污水处理  潮汐流人工湿地  复氧能力  污染物去除
Performance optimization of a lab-scale tidal flow constructed wetland for domestic wastewater treatment
WU Shu-biao1, ZHANG Dong-xiao1, LIU Qing-qing1, ZHAI Xu2, HU Jing1, DONG Ren-jie3
(1.Key Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering in Structure and Environment of Ministry of Agricultural,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China;2.The northwest station of biogas products and equipment quality center of Ministry of Agriculture, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100,China;3.College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083,China)
The water environment is facing an increasing threat recently and the oxygen supply in traditional constructed wetlands is much more less than oxygen consumption by pollutants degradation, which affects the system performance and causes more clogging happened. The tidal flow constructed wetland has a good performance with its novel operation design. This study is based on the lab-scale tidal flow constructed wetland to discuss the performance under five operation conditions. The results showed that the TSS removal efficiency was not affected under five operation conditions significantly but TP and NH3-N showed good performance under 3 h saturated time operating condition. After calculation by first-order kinetics, the highest KBOD value under this operation also indicated its strong organic matter degradation ability. With the hypothesis of no oxygen released from plant root and no exchanged from air to water, the oxygen drew into the bed during 3 h drain period was enough for pollutants removal. The matrix porosity did not have regular change with different operations, but the organic matter loading rates make a main contribution for the porosity change and a suitable bed rest could improve the water conductivity and relieved the clogging happen.
Key words:  wastewater treatment  tidal flow constructed wetland  oxygen supply  pollutant removal