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东北三省部分地区猪附红细胞体16S rRNA核苷酸序列比较分析
李月梅1, 邢莹1, 张守发1, 薛书江1, 郑秀红1, 吕舟2
(1.延边大学 农学院,吉林 龙井 133400;2.吉林农业科技学院 动物医学学院,吉林 132101)
为了解东北三省猪附红细胞体基因的流行变异情况,本试验选取相对保守的16S rRNA核苷酸序列作为分析对象,采用酚仿抽提法提取吉林株、辽宁株和黑龙江株猪附红细胞体基因组DNA,用一对特异性引物扩增目的DNA,然后分别与pMD-18T载体连接并转化BL-21菌株,经重组质粒PCR鉴定后并测序,比较其核苷酸序列。从同源性分析结果可以看出,黑龙江株、辽宁株与广东株猪附红细胞体核苷酸同源性最高,均达到100%;吉林株与美国株猪附红细胞体的核苷酸同源性最高,为97%。系统进化分析结果显示,黑龙江株与辽宁株猪附红细胞体亲缘关系最近,而与吉林株猪附红细胞体较远。结果表明,吉林株、辽宁株和黑龙江株猪附红细胞体16S rRNA 基因序列存在差异。
关键词:    附红细胞体  16S rRNA  核苷酸序列  比较分析  东北三省
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(30860203)第一作者:李月梅,硕士研究生,E-mail:liyuemei1984@hotmail.com通讯作者:张守发,教授,主要从事分子免疫学研究,E-mail: shoufazhang@sina.com
Comparative analysis of nucleotide sequence 16S rRNA ofEperythrozoon suis of three provinces in northeast
LI Yue-mei1, XING Ying1, ZHANG Shou-fa1, XUE Shu-jiang1, ZHENG Xiu-hong1, LV Zhou2
(1.Agricultural College,Yanbian University,Longjing 133400,China;2.Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College, College of Animal Medicine, Jilin 132101, China)
In order to analyze the gene diversity, nucleotide sequencing of Eperythrozoon suis 16S rRNA gene was identified from three provinces of Northeast in China. Conservative gene products were selected and amplificated, then cloned into pMD-18T vector and transformed into BL-21 for sequencing. The results showed that homology among Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Guangdong strains was up to 100%, Jilin and American strains was up to 97%. Genetic relationship between Heilongjiang and Liaoning strains was closer, but farther with Jilin strain.These results indicated that Eperythrozoon suis 16S rRNA gene sequence was different between three provinces of northeast in China.
Key words:  swine  Eperythrozoon suis  16S rRNA  nucleotide sequence  sequencing  three provinces in northeast