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关键词:  玉米 C型细胞质效应 杂交种 混合花粉 杂交当代优势 单交种
基金项目:国家自然科学资金资助项目 (39870 4 85 )
Studies on the C Type Sterile Cytoplasm Effects on Single Hybrid and Heterosis of the Two Single Hybrid Crossed Seeds in Maize
Several normal single hybrids and their corresponding isogenic C type cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS C) counterparts were used as females, pollinated by mixing marker of pollens to study C type cytoplasmic effect on single hybrid and heterosis of the two single hybrid crossed seeds in Maize. The results of comparing sister crossed kernel between CMS C hybrids and their counterparts, and comparing cross fertilized kernel with marker male parents, suggested that the C type cytoplasmic effect on kernel weight was different. The CMS C effect on kernel weight was 3.37% when comparing sister crossed kernel, and was 2.44% when comparing cross fertilized kernel with marker male parents. The average CMS C genetic effect was 2.88% and 2.94% respectively in two years. The same CMS C genetic effect varied with different hybrids and years. It was found that there was heterosis of cross fertilized kernel weight when the CMS C hybrids and their counterparts crossed with the same single hybrid, and the heterosis varied with different marker male parent. The cross fertilized kernel weight was 3.73% and 2.84% higher than that of normal hybrids selfed and CMS C hybrid sister crossed with their counterparts respectively.
Key words:  maize,C type cytoplasmic effect,hybrid,mixing pollen,heterosis of the F 1 embryo stage